Loosely nspired by Chinese callygraphy and contemporary ink drawings , my recent work draws on traditions of
classical Chinese aesthetics and philosophy. In the way “the brush becomes an extension of artist’s body”,
my camera becomes my brush, then my life, and my aspiration.’
The ocean is my ink.
-- Bruna Stude
Platinum/Palladium hand-pulled photographic print on 100% Japanese Kozo paper (paper mulberry bush).
Recently, I have been printing large prints, up to 72x40 inches, on hand coated delicate Japanese paper Haini
Kozo 65 gsm. In my chemistry, I use juice from our own, home-grown Tahitian lime tree. To be able to print such a large format, a part of my studio is set outdoors. So, the prints do get unintentional organic matter mixed in
with precisely measured chemistry; all simply a part of the environment I practice in.
Squid Ink No.2-5, 2017, Platinum/Palladium, lime juice, rainwater, 66x40 inch 

installed at Songzhuang International Photo Biennale 2017, China.